Immigration News

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 365 Comments

CBP Approves Native American Tribal Card as an Acceptable Document for the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative

The Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has approved the Native American Tribal Card issued by the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho as an acceptable travel document for purposes of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative. This designation, which became effective on January 31, 2012, allows Kootenai Tribe members to establish identity and citizenship by showing their approved card when entering the United States from contiguous territory or adjacent islands at land and sea ports of entry.

The Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI), effective June 1, 2009, specifies the documents that U.S. citizens and non-immigrant aliens from Canada, Bermuda, and Mexico are required to present when entering the United States at land and sea ports of entry. Pursuant to the initiative, an approved Native American Tribal Card is among the acceptable documents that may be used to establish citizenship and identity upon entry into the United States when traveling from contiguous territory or adjacent islands.

On March 3, 2009, CBP and the Kootenai Tribe signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to develop the Tribe’s cards and evaluate their use for border crossing purposes. In accordance with the MOA, the cards are issued to Kootenai Tribe members who are able to establish identity, tribal membership, and U.S. or Canadian citizenship. CBP tested the cards, which contain various physical security features, and determined that they meet the requirements for acceptable documents under the WHTI. CBP’s ongoing acceptance of the Kootenai Tribal Card as a WHTI-compliant document is conditional on compliance with the MOA and other related agreements.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 47 Comments

EB-2 Visa Numbers for Chinese and Indian Nationals Jump Forward

The State Department recently released the February 2012 Visa Bulletin which continues the trend of rapid forward movement of EB-2 priority dates for Indian and Chinese nationals. In February, the numbers will move forward by 12 months to January 1, 2010. Therefore, individuals with a priority date on or before January 1, 2010 will be able to file for adjustment of status as of February 1, 2012.

Our office will be assisting many existing and new clients in the preparation of adjustment of status applications. We look forward to the continuing forward movement of the priority dates in this category.

Unfortunately, the EB-3 priority date for all countries advanced in a more modest fashion by moving forward approximately three weeks.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 26 Comments

Labor Certification Audits by U.S. Department of Labor

The U.S. Department of Labor has announced that it is increasing audits on labor certification applications. It has reported that 25% of all labor certification applications are now receiving audits. Additionally, an increasing number of employers are being required to complete the recruitment process under the supervision of the DOL.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 2,691 Comments

H.R. 3012 – Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act – Passes the House

The House of Representatives passed an immigration bill on November 29, 2011 that, if enacted into law, will eliminate the per-country numerical limitations for employment-based immigrant visas. The bill, entitled the “Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act” (H.R. 3012), passed the House by a vote of 389-15.

Each year, approximately 140,000 employment-based immigrant visas are made available to qualified applicants. The law currently imposes a per-country limit on the distribution of these visas; no more than 7 percent of available visas may be issued to natives of any one country in a given fiscal year. H.R. 3012 proposes to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act by eliminating the per-country percentage cap. As written, the bill would gradually phase out the per-county cap over a three year period, from 2012 to 2015.

If passed into law, H.R. 3012 will be most beneficial to Indian and Chinese employment-based immigrant visa applicants. Due to the high number of annual applicants from India and China, there are currently long backlogs in the second (EB-2) and third (EB-3) employment-based preference categories for these two countries. For example, USCIS is currently adjudicating EB-3 petitions filed on behalf of Indian beneficiaries with priority dates on or before August 1, 2002. This corresponds to a backlog of roughly nine years, although in reality the backlog could be much longer. If H.R. 3012 is signed into law, these backlogs would be reduced substantially.

H.R. 3012 will now be referred to the Senate where it will be sent to committee for review, debated, and voted upon. If the Senate amends the bill significantly, a conference committee composed of members of both chambers will be formed in an attempt to reconcile differences between the Senate and House versions of the bill. If the House and Senate approve the bill in identical form, it will be sent to the President for review. H.R. 3012 will only become law if the President signs it. Note that Congress can attempt to override a presidential veto of a bill, but doing so requires a 2/3 vote in each chamber.

Please refer back to the Stern & Curray news blog for updates on the status of H.R.3012. If H.R. 3012 becomes law, it is sure to garner major media attention.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 306 Comments

The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) Recently Released a Special Report about Immigration and Its Effect on the American Economy

The Immigration Policy Center released a report titled “Rebooting the American Dream; the Role of Immigration in a 21st Century Economy.” This report discusses the current problems with our immigration system and also well documents the positive impacts both employment based immigration and family based immigration have on the American economy. Regarding the need to fix our current immigration system, the report is particularly enlightening. Significant changes to our immigration system have not been made since 1990 when the immigration act of 1990 create the five tiered employment based immigration system and also instilled the current numerical limits. The entire immigration system has not been overhauled since 1965. The fact that no significant changes have been made since 1990 is particularly concerning considering the drastic economic changes to our economy since that time. From the high tech bubble that began in 1999 to the deep recession we currently find ourselves in, it is striking that our immigration system has not addressed these changes. Our current employment based immigration system allows for 140,000 immigrants annually. Included within this number are the immigrant’s eligible spouses and minor children. Consequently the actual number of workers receiving green cards is much lower than 140,000. Because of numerical limitations, many foreign workers have to wait up to ten years or more before receiving their green card. More than one million high skilled immigrants are currently awaiting employment based green cards. Currently, demand for highly skilled workers not only outstrips the supply of employment based immigrant visas, but the current broken system makes it very difficult for skilled workers to immigrate to this country. These problems are resulting in many skilled immigrants evaluating new options for their long term residences. Many countries are also changing their own immigration laws so that they can more effectively compete with other countries with attracting the most highly skilled workers throughout the globe. Countries such as China and India which have historically produced some of the highest numbers of skilled immigrant workers, are now much more actively putting into place domestic policies to retain their talented citizens. These new policies have resulted in an increased number of Chinese and Indian nationals who have studied in the U.S. returning to their home countries. This has also resulted in greater retention of these highly skilled workers in the first place. In a recent study where many foreign students were interviewed at American universities, only 6% of Indians and 10% of Chinese students said they plan to remain in the U.S. Three quarters of these students said they feared they would not receive longer term visas. Resultantly, the U.S. is experiencing a brain drain of talented foreign skilled workers for the first time in our history. Talented immigrants are also returning to their home countries in greater numbers to found companies there, when historically many of these immigrants chose to found their new companies in the United States. Research has revealed that the broken immigrating system is part of the reason many of these workers are returning home for their entrepreneurial pursuits.

The report also clearly discusses the positive effect immigrant labor has on the U.S. economy. U.S. cities with higher immigration rates have experienced greater economic growth than those cities without high immigration rates. From 1990 to 2006, Phoenix, Dallas, and Houston experienced the fastest growth of immigrant labor in their workforce and these cities also had above average economic growth. In contrast, the slowest growing U.S. cities, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Detroit, had the smallest increases in immigrant labor. It is also a proven fact that most immigrant labor compliments the U.S. workforce rather than replaces U.S. workers. Immigrant labor is concentrated on the two ends of our workforce spectrum. These workers tend to fill positions at the bottom of the educational skill or at the top of the educational skill while in contrast Americans tend to fall somewhere in the middle. By complimenting and filling the gaps in the U.S. labor workforce, immigrant labor spurs economic growth. In the high tech and scientific fields, immigrant labor is playing a particularly important role. A December 2008 study released by the Harvard business school showed that 50% of scientists and engineers with doctorate degrees are immigrants and they account for a 67%increase in the United States science and engineering workforce between 19995 and 2006. The report also shows that immigrant labor has a net positive effect on wages of U.S. born workers and that the H-1B program results in job growth for all workers in the American economy. According to a report by the National Foundation of American Policy, for every one H-1B position requested, U.S. technology companies are employing five more workers in the following year. Consequently, the ability to hire temporary skilled workers through the H-1B program allows spurs overall job growth for U.S. companies.

The report also highlights a very important role of immigrant labor. Because of the aging baby boom population, there will an insufficient amount of U.S. workers to replace this aging population. If this shortfall is not addressed by foreign workers, there will be a fiscal crisis both with social security and Medicare. Consequently, an immigrant workforce is critical in addressing our labor shortfall that will result with the aging of the baby boomers. To understand the scope of this problem, between 2010 and 2030 the ratio of seniors “65 and up” to working age adults “25 to 64” will soar by 67%.

The report also highlights how important immigrant workers are to innovation and entrepreneurship. A June 2011 report from the partnership for a new American economy found that more than 40% of the 2010 fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants. Various reports show that immigrants are far more likely to found successful companies than U.S. born workers. This is particularly true in the high tech industries. The report also shows that immigrants are three times more likely to file patents in the U.S. than U.S. born citizens. This is the result of a disproportionally higher percentage of foreign degree holders in science and engineering than U.S. degree holders. To review the report in its entirety, go to the link below:

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 692 Comments

The Effect of Alabama’s Immigration Law on the State’s Farms

Alabama immigration law H.B. 56 is serving the purpose of the lawmakers’ intent—driving many of the state’s estimated 120,000 undocumented immigrants to pack up and head out of the state. The result is that many farms are left without the labor necessary to harvest the crops.

A substantial portion of farm workers there, as in other states, are undocumented. Alabama lawmakers who support the law insist that, by driving undocumented workers out, they will open jobs for Americans; the unemployment rate in the state is nearly 10 percent. But farmers say that jobless U.S. workers, mostly inexperienced in field work and concentrated in and around cities, are mostly unwilling to do the work required to plant and harvest tomatoes, squash, cucumbers and other crops. Farmers also say that, if they were to raise wages to make the jobs more attractive, as advocates for the new law suggest, crop prices would soar, making Alabama produce uncompetitive.

Many farmers state that if the immigration law is going to stand, legislators need to come up with solutions to prevent local agribusiness from going under. The debate is also raging in neighboring Georgia where the Georgia Department of Agriculture reports that this year’s harvest was short 11,000 workers, which farming advocates say was the result of immigrants leaving the state.

The uproar over the effect of these immigration laws on farms has exposed the nation’s hypocrisy over “unskilled” immigrants, whose legal entry into the country is blocked in most cases even though their labor remains much in demand. Congress and the federal government have simply failed to establish an adequate supply of visas for the immigrant labor drawn to the United States by the jobs. Some lawmakers, including Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), are suggesting the creation of a guest-worker program to recruit sufficient numbers of farm hands and other “unskilled” workers. In talking with the Birmingham News, Alabama state Rep. Jeremy Oden (R) said one solution was a temporary-worker program that would allow workers from outside the US to work here seasonally. Others say that the workers required are already in the United States and a more logical solution would be to allow them to legalize their status and provide a path for citizenship with various proposed requirements.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin No Comments

USCIS Original Receipt Notices Update

USCIS announced October 20, 2011 that it will resume sending original receipt notices to the Attorney of Record. Recently, USCIS had changed its policy and had begun to send original receipt notices to the petitioner, which in most cases is the employer. This has caused a great deal of confusion and extra work for employers, so the return to the prior system is quite welcome.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 63 Comments

H-1B Cap Update

USCIS has reported that the H-1B master’s Cap has been reached. Therefore, employers petitioning for employees who have an advanced degree from an American university or college will now have their H-1B petitions counted against regular H-1B Cap. There are 65,000 available H-1Bs in the regular Cap. As of October 25, USCIS had receipted 46,200 petitions against the regular Cap.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 31 Comments

Deportations Increase in 2011 Despite Prosecutorial Discretion Memo

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reported that 396,906 individuals were removed from the U.S. in Fiscal Year 2011, the largest number in the agency’s history. What do these numbers mean? The administration prioritized certain areas, including the removal of individuals who have broken criminal laws, threats to national security, repeat violators of immigration law, recent border crossers, and immigration court fugitives. However, according to the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), about 45% of the individuals removed had committed only civil immigration offenses. The other 55% were convicted of felonies or misdemeanors, with many of the misdemeanors being minor violations created specifically to convert civil immigration violators into misdemeanor criminals. A June 2011 Memo from ICE Director John Morton encourages those enforcing immigration laws to use their discretion in deciding the types of individuals who should be removed from the U.S. The factors that would deem an immigration case a low priority include good behavior, schooling, ties to America, and economic contributions. According to Eleanor Pelta, AILA’s president, “Unfortunately, Morton’s June guidance is for the most part going unimplemented in the field … Instead of spending money and time removing low-enforcement individuals from the country, ICE is supposed to be going after the really bad guys who could do us harm … ICE still has a long way to go.”

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 76 Comments

New Opportunities for Immigration Visas for Entrepreneurs

Gridlock in Congress has prevented the passage of new immigration visa opportunities for entrepreneurs, including the “start-up” visa program. On August 2, 2011, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Director of USCIS announced a series of initiatives to make current immigration law more responsive to the needs of entrepreneurs. This initiative creates some interesting new approaches for obtaining nonimmigrant and immigrant visas for entrepreneurs and the talented professionals who they need to be successful in their enterprises.

Our firm is developing strategies for using this new initiative, in conjunction with existing immigration rules and regulations, to create a platform for obtaining appropriate visas for foreign-born entrepreneurs and the talented foreign-born individuals they seek to hire.

Please contact our firm for further information.
