Month: October 2014

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 350 Comments

New Mandatory Employment Verification Affirmation Form For Colorado Employers

Effective October 1, 2014, all employers in Colorado will need to use the NEW Mandatory Affirmation Form when hiring a new employee in Colorado.  Under state law, when an employer hires an individual in Colorado, in addition to completing the federally required Form I-9, the employer must complete and retain a mandatory Colorado Affirmation.  The employer must also copy and retain the document(s) each new employee presents as proof of employment authorization.  Colorado employers are to complete the state affirmation within 20 days of hiring a new employee. However, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment advises employers NOT to retroactively complete affirmations for existing employees, even if they were hired since the law went into effect January 1, 2007. You may obtain the form at:
