OFLC Completed Process of Randomly Assigning H-2B applications for 2nd Half of FY2022 (April 1, 2022 or later start date)


OFLC Completed Process of Randomly Assigning H-2B applications for 2nd Half of FY2022 (April 1, 2022 or later start date)

by Lisa York

by Lisa York

The Office of Foreign Labor Certification has completed the randomization process to randomly assign all H-2B applications submitted during the initial three-day filing window, January 1-3, 2022, requesting an April 1, 2022, work start date for the second half of the Fiscal Year 2022 H-2B statutory visa cap. OFLC received a total of 7,875 H-2B applications requesting 136,555 worker positions during this filing period. OFLC will be providing written notification to employers (and the employer’s authorized attorney or agent) with their H-2B Assignment Group. On January 7, 2022, OFLC also published on its website the list of the H-2B applications assigned to each Assignment. 
