Immigration News

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 364 Comments

Colorado Employment Verification Law Audits

All Colorado employers are subject to a possible employment verification law compliance audit by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE). Compliance audits may originate from complaints, random selection, or situations where there is reason to believe an employer has not complied. The purpose of the audits is to ensure that employers are fulfilling their obligation to adhere to the employment verification and documentation requirements specified in § 8-2-122, C.R.S. It has been reported that the CDLE is sending audit letters to two hundred employers each month.

The state employment verification laws are different and separate from federal I-9 requirements. For each new employee hired on and after January 1, 2007, Colorado employers must complete affirmation forms and retain copies of the employee’s Form I-9 identity and employment authorization documents. A sample affirmation form may be found at

The CDLE reportedly wants to educate companies about the state’s employment verification laws. However, companies should also be reminded that the law includes fines of up to five thousand dollars for the first offense and up to twenty-five thousand dollars for subsequent offenses for an employer who, with reckless disregard, fails to submit the required documentation when requested by the CDLE.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 449 Comments

New Export Control Attestation Requirement on I-129

Employers should be aware of the new requirement to complete an export control attestation under penalty of perjury when filing for certain non-immigrant visas for employee beneficiaries. The Commerce Department has suspended the requirement to answer this question on the I-129 until February 20, 2011. In order to accurately complete the new attestation on Form I-129, used for H, L, and O visa status applications, a company must certify that it has reviewed the applicable regulations and either an export license is not required or an export license is required and will be obtained before any controlled technology and data will transfer to the foreign national.

Export classifications and licensing determinations can be complicated and employers do not want to make a misrepresentation on Form I-129. Employers should work closely with an attorney who has expertise in export control law to make the determination.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 96 Comments

H-1B Visa Availability Coming to an End

As of December 31, 2010, USCIS had accepted 57,300 cap-eligible petitions which have either been approved or are still pending.

The H-1B cap is 65,000 H-1B numbers. Up to 6,800 visas can be set aside for applicants from Chile and Singapore. The USCIS Ombudsman has advised AILA Liaison that 6,358 H-1B numbers that were unused last year have been added to this year’s pool. Therefore, the total number of H-1Bs available for this year is 64,500. Since USCIS has accepted 57,300 cap-eligible petitions, only approximately 7,000 visa numbers were available as of the end of 2010.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 101 Comments

Employer Discrimination in the I-9 Process

The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) prohibits employers from treating employees differently during the I-9 process based on national origin or citizenship status. One way for employers to avoid discrimination is when the employee first completes the I-9 form. Employers should not request particular documents to verify identity and employment authorization and should let all employees choose which document(s) to present from the lists of acceptable documents.

Discrimination can also occur in other ways during the I-9 process. Hoover, Inc., a vacuum cleaner manufacturer, allegedly engaged in a pattern and practice of employment discrimination by requiring lawful permanent residents to produce a new green card when the green card they first presented for the I-9 expired. The INA provides permanent residents the same right to continued employment that U.S. citizens have without presenting new documentation. Since U.S. citizen employees were not asked to present new documents, the Justice Department determined that Hoover treated permanent residents differently during the I-9 process. The Justice Department reached a settlement with Hoover in November 2010, including payment of $10,200 in civil penalties.

Employers should not re-verify the employment authorization for a lawful permanent resident whose green card has expired after the employee is hired. Our firm is actively involved in assisting employers in the area of employee verification. Employers should contact us if they are interested in improving their verification procedures, and/or conducting an audit to determine if there is any current liability.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 9 Comments


The USCIS has updated it count for available H-1B cap numbers. As of November 26, 2010, approximately 50,400 out of 65,000 H-1B cap-subject petitions had been received by USCIS and they had received 18,400 out of 20,000 petitions for applicants with advance degrees.

Usually, at this time of the year, the use of H-1B numbers starts to increase. Accordingly, companies should move forward quickly with new H-1B visa applications.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 333 Comments

New H-1B and L-1 Filing Fees

On August 13, 2010 President Obama signed into law a provision that significantly raises the filing fees for H-1B and L-1 petitions for certain employers. Under the new law, employers with 50 or more employees and more than 50% of their workforce in H or L status will have to pay an additional $2000 and $2250 per H-1B and L-1 petition, respectively.

Additionally, USCIS is putting the burden on the employer to prove that it is not required to pay the new fees. Specifically, petitioning employers are required to submit the new fee or evidence of why they are not subject. The USCIS reports it will issue a Request for Additional Evidence if documentation submitted with the petition is insufficient to prove that the employer is exempt from the fee.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 25 Comments

Employment Authorization Documents

Under the law, USCIS has 90 days to process applications for employment authorization documents (EAD). USCIS policy requires that applications to renew these documents be filed no more than 120 days prior to their expiration. Unfortunately, USCIS is now sometimes pushing up against the 90-day deadline with a result that some applicants are not receiving a new EAD before their prior one expires. Individuals working on an EAD must have a valid EAD in hand in order to be authorized for employment in the United States. Therefore, when adjudication of the EAD is delayed, individuals risk losing their eligibility for employment. Once the EAD application has been pending for 75 days, individuals are allowed to call the USCIS Customer Service number at 1-800-375-5283 to make an inquiry. If the EAD is not adjudicated within 7 days after the individual contacts USCIS Customer Service, the individual’s attorney may pursue the matter through an AILA liaison request.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 22 Comments

H-1B Cap-Subject Visa Petitions Update

USCIS has reported that as of August 6, 2010 it has issued receipts for 28,500 H-1B cap-subject petitions, leaving 36,500 available H-1Bs in the general or “bachelor’s cap” allotment. Additionally, USCIS has issued 11,900 H-1B receipts for those with advanced degrees, leaving 8,100 H1Bs available in the “master’s cap” allotment. In the event that the master’s cap allotment is used up before the general cap allotment, those with advanced degrees will then be counted as part of the general cap allotment

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 86 Comments

Obama Administration Deports Record Number of Undocumented Individuals

In an effort “to make our national laws actually work” the Obama administration will deport a record number of undocumented immigrants this fiscal year. ICE expects to deport about 400,000 individuals this year, which is 10% more than the Bush administration total for 2008. Obama’s government is also auditing hundreds of businesses that have been routinely hiring undocumented workers. The pace of these audits has roughly quadrupled since Bush’s last year in office.

The director of ICE, John Morton, says that the expected 400,000 deportees is the maximum number that the overburdened processing, detention, and immigration court system can handle. President Obama is walking a political tightrope: he is criticized by those who say he is weak on border security as well as by those who say he isn’t keeping his campaign promise to assist the more than 11 million illegal residents.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 82 Comments

ICE Releases Foreign Student & Exchange Visitor Information

The ICE Student Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) releases information on a quarterly basis regarding foreign students and exchange visitors in the United States. SEVIS recently released its report for the quarter ending June 30, 2010. The report indicates that China (118,506) is the country with the highest number of active students, followed by South Korea (101,428), and India (130,057). 30% of all approved schools are located in five States (California, New York, Florida, Texas and Pennsylvania). The City University of New York hosts the largest number of active students (10,787) followed by the University of Southern California, Purdue University, University of Illinois, and Columbia University.

Business continues to be the most popular major for international students. Bachelor’s candidates comprise the highest number of students (212,516) followed by Master’s candidates (184,292) and doctoral students (112,842).

As of June 30, 2010, SEVIS maintained records for 1,084,122 active non-immigrant students and the total number of records for all F-1, M-1, and J-1 visa holders has risen to approximately 7.6 million.

It is Stern and Curray’s philosophy that foreign students continue to play a vital role in our educational system. In order to continue this positive trend, USCIS must enact reforms to make it easier for foreign students to attend school in the U.S. and to obtain work after graduation.
