Immigration News

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 30 Comments

Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone Designated for Temporary Protected Status

Due to the Ebola outbreak that ravaged West Africa, the Department of Homeland Security issued an announcement designating Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone for Temporary Protected Status (“TPS”).   TPS may be granted to foreign nationals who are present in the United States when disaster hits their home country or when conditions in their home country prevent safe return.  TPS is granted for temporary conditions such as civil war and/or armed conflict and environmental disasters.

While a foreign national holds TPS, he or she:

  • may not be removed from the United States;
  • may apply for employment authorization; and
  • may be granted travel authorization.

TPS is a temporary grant of lawful immigration status in the United States that does not lead to citizenship, permanent residence, or any other immigration status.  At present, Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone nationals who qualify for TPS may be granted an 18 month temporary stay in the United States.  The registration period is from November 21, 2014 until May 20, 2015.


by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 337 Comments

President Obama Announces the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations with Cuba

President Obama announced yesterday that after 54 years diplomatic ties would begin to be rebuilt with Cuba.  This announcement came after more than a year of secret negotiations between the United States and Cuba moderated by Pope Francis.  Both President Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro have made public announcements welcoming the change in policy.  Through these changes President Obama pledged to “cut loose the shackles of the past” and put an end to an “outdated approach that for decades has failed to advance” US interests.

US-Cuba diplomatic relations have been nonexistent since the 1960s, and trade and travel embargoes have been in existence ever since.  Following this announcement, the United States is planning to open an embassy in Havana within the next few months.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 97 Comments

Dilley, Texas Detention Center Opens

On Monday December 15, 2014 the largest family detention center in the United States was opened 85 miles northeast of Laredo, Texas. The Dilley Detention Facility, also known as the South Texas Family Residential Center, was built to hold up to 2,400 immigrant mothers and children. Detainees will begin to arrive at the Dilley Detention Center in the coming days as the final detainees are transported to Dilley from the Artesia Facility, which will be closed. The Dilley Detention Facility will be managed by the Correction Corporation of America, a private prison company, and will cost taxpayers approximately $296 every day to house each individual detainee.  Many families being detained at the Dilley Detention Facility are fleeing from persecution in their home countries and are in the United States to seek asylum. We extend our gratitude to all the volunteer attorneys in Artesia and Dilley who have donated their time to help the many immigrant families in detention.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 83 Comments

The Omnibus Spending Bill Passes Congress and Goes to President Obama

This weekend the Senate approved a $1.1 trillion bill to prevent a government shutdown and keep the government up and running for another year.  The bill, which passed 56-40 with both bipartisan support and opposition, notably does not fund the Department of Homeland Security.  The move to withhold funding from the Department of Homeland Security is an attempt by Republicans to put pressure on President Obama to withdraw his recently announced Executive Order.  If Congress can’t pass a funding bill by February 27, 2015, the Department of Homeland Security will shut down.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 103 Comments

New Refugee/Parole Program for Children in Guatemala, Honduras & El Salvador

The Department of State announced a new program to help children located in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador reunite with their parents who are lawfully present in the United States.  This in-country refugee/parole program is designed to discourage children who are located in Central America from making the perilous journey to the United States unaccompanied.  As such, parents lawfully present in the United States will be allowed to submit an application requesting that their children be allowed into the United States as refugees or via parole.  Only parents with lawful immigration status may submit an application.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 222 Comments

Highlights from President Obama’s Executive Action Immigration Reform

Last night President Obama implemented sweeping immigration reform.  The President’s reforms will impact many areas of immigration, such as immigration courts and deportations, border security, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals applicants, parents of U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents, foreign students studying in the U.S., spouses of H-1B visa holders, and U.S. businesses, foreign investors, entrepreneurs, researchers, and highly skilled workers.

As noted on the USCIS website, highlights of President Obama’s Immigration reform plan include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Broadening eligibility for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to people who came to this country before turning 16 years-old and who have been present since January 1, 2010. Also, extending the period of DACA and work authorization to three years;
  • Enabling parents of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents who have been in the United States since January 1, 2010, to apply for deferred action and employment authorization for three years, so long as they pass a background check;
  • Expanding the use of provisional waivers of unlawful presence to include the spouses and sons and daughters of lawful permanent residents and the sons and daughters of U.S. citizens
  • Modernizing and improving immigrant and nonimmigrant programs to grow the economy and create jobs.  Reform in this area may involve changes to the visa bulletin system, National Interest Waivers, and expansion of OPT for foreign students; and
  • Providing work authorization to spouses of H-1B visa holders.

The details of these reforms are currently being formulated by U.S. government agencies.  At present, most details and specifics of the President’s reforms are unknown and will be unveiled in the coming months.

Anyone who believes they may benefit from these reforms, please contact our office to set up a consultation.






by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 98 Comments

Tonight: President Obama Plans to Unveil Executive Action Plans for Immigration Reform

President Obama announced yesterday that he intends to utilize his powers of executive action to implement an overhaul to the immigration system in the United States.  While the President stated that he hopes to continue working with Congress to produce a bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform bill, he commented that because immigration reform has stalled for too long in Washington, it is time to take executive action.  The announcement detailing the specifics of the President’s plan will be released tonight at 6:00pm MST from the White House.  You can watch President Obama address the nation tonight live at,

Stern & Curray will provide up-to-date information on the President’s immigration reform announcement, including details regarding eligibility and how to connect with a Stern & Curray immigration attorney, as soon as details are known.  Information will be posted on our blog and on our Facebook page.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 31 Comments

China and the United States Agree to Extended Visas

The United States and the People’s Republic of China announced on Monday that the two countries will begin offering each other’s citizens multiple-entry visas in attempt to foster cultural exchange and ease trade.  As proposed, tourists and business visas could be issued for up to ten years whereas student visas could be issued for up to five years.   This new reciprocal extension of visa validity is set to begin November 12, 2014.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 74 Comments

Loretta Lynch Nominated to be the next Attorney General

On Saturday President Obama nominated Loretta Lynch, a federal prosecutor from New York City, to replace Eric Holder as the next Attorney General.  If confirmed, Lynch would become the first African American women to serve the country as Attorney General.  Ms. Lynch’s confirmation is likely to be overseen by the next GOP Senate.

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 95 Comments

After Midterm Elections All Eyes on President Obama

Following last week’s midterm elections Republicans won control of both the House and Senate for the remaining two years of President Obama’s administration.  Speaking on Sunday, President Obama stated that he would use his executive authority to address the nation’s immigration laws by the end of 2014 and before the new GOP congress is sworn into office.  President Obama commented that while he would prefer to see immigration reform accomplished through Congress, he would not wait any longer to confront the country’s immigration issues.  Stern & Curray will continue to post up-to-date information regarding any changes to the immigration laws as well as President Obama’s executive actions.
