executive action

by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 98 Comments

Tonight: President Obama Plans to Unveil Executive Action Plans for Immigration Reform

President Obama announced yesterday that he intends to utilize his powers of executive action to implement an overhaul to the immigration system in the United States.  While the President stated that he hopes to continue working with Congress to produce a bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform bill, he commented that because immigration reform has stalled for too long in Washington, it is time to take executive action.  The announcement detailing the specifics of the President’s plan will be released tonight at 6:00pm MST from the White House.  You can watch President Obama address the nation tonight live at, WhiteHouse.gov/Live.

Stern & Curray will provide up-to-date information on the President’s immigration reform announcement, including details regarding eligibility and how to connect with a Stern & Curray immigration attorney, as soon as details are known.  Information will be posted on our blog and on our Facebook page.
