
by SCwpadmin SCwpadmin 101 Comments

Federal Judge Denies Texas’ Request to Ban Syrian Refugees

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission filed suit against the Obama Administration and a refugee resettlement nonprofit, asking a federal judge to stop the federal government from sending resettled Syrian refugees to Texas out of concern that potential terrorists may be admitted along with refugees.  In particular, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission sought to stop resettlement of Syrian refugees until a hearing was held to further define specific conditions that must be satisfied before refugees could be resettled in Texas.

In his decision denying Texas’ request, U.S. District Court Judge Godbey held that the Texas Health and Human Services Commission “failed to show by competent evidence that any terrorists actually have infiltrated the refugee program, much less that these particular refugees are terrorists intent on causing harm.”  In finding that not enough evidence was produced to concluded that the refugees presented a danger to the Texas community, the request was denied and nine Syrian refugees will be relocated to Houston, Texas.
