Biometrics Fees Waived for All I-539 Applicants


Biometrics Fees Waived for All I-539 Applicants

by Breanne Johnson

by Breanne Johnson

USCIS announced yesterday that beginning on October 1, 2024 biometrics fees will be waived for all applicants who file Form I-539. This form is used to petition USCIS to extend or change nonimmigrant status in the United States. Applicants do not need to pay the $85 biometrics fee if their application is postmarked Oct. 1 or later. However, certain applicants who file Form I-539 before Oct. 1 will need to include this $85 fee. These applicants will still be scheduled for an ASC appointment and should still attend this appointment. Please reach out to your CYA attorney for any questions about this welcome development.
